about US

We help connect brands with customers through intelligent design strategy.


Giulio Pellegrini

UX Designer,
Web Builder, and Magic Maker

Giulio Pellegrini is an astrologer and web technology consultant based in Palm Springs, CA. His astrology work seeks to bring visibility to the inner realms of the psyche by investigating the spaces that intersect traditional and modern astrology with esoteric psychology, art, music, and science. Giulio studied with The Faculty of Astrological Studies and is a certified horary practitioner, STA. He has lectured  and taught workshops at international conferences and regional astrology groups and currently serves as Presiding Officer for the Association for Astrological Networking (AFAN). As a Senior User Experience Designer for a global technology consulting firm, Giulio brings over 20 years of experience to corporations and non-profit organizations seeking to excel in marketing communications and web technologies.

We worked with the world’s biggest brands and the most innovative startups.

Let's build something amazing.